Tennessee Overdose Prevention
Tennessee Overdose Prevention (TOP) is educating, implementing and developing resources for Tennessee’s laws. Tennessee Overdose Prevention is a grassroots organization comprised of parents, healthcare professionals, harm reduction advocates and friends of those who have lost loved ones to accidental drug overdose.

Bristol Saves Lives
The goal of this fundraiser is to supplement the funds needed to equip our fire and police departments with Naloxone. Since EMT personnel already carry Naloxone, one might wonder why it is important to arm the police and fire department personnel with it as well. The answer is simple; research shows that police and fire squad members are usually first on the scene. When someone is in the midst of an overdose, time is precious. The few extra minutes it may take an EMT to arrive could mean the difference between life and death.
For more Tennessee Overdose Prevention Naloxone resources, click on these links:
To obtain Naloxone without a prescription, use the following pharmacies:
Pharmacies with Collaborative Agreement
(located on the menu bar, under Got Naloxone)
To see a list of future trainings:
(located on the menu bar, under Got Naloxone)
To see a list of insurance companies:
(located on the menu bar, under Got Naloxone)
To see Naloxone articles in Tennessee:
(right side of page under "Search By Tags", click on Naloxone, Naloxone Distribution, Naloxone Saves, Naloxone Training)
Tennessee's Plans to Battle Opioid Abuse: Nurses in Recovery, Naloxone Kits
"The federal government anticipates the $13.8 million from 21st Century Cures, spread out over two years, “moving along pretty quickly, because we are in a crisis,” said Rodney Bragg, assistant commissioner of substance abuse services for the state.
Nearly 20 percent of the money is designated for “prevention,” which could include providing naloxone kits to people at high risk for overdose, said Sarah Cooper, director of prevention and early intervention services for the TDMHSA. If given in time, the drug can reverse opioid overdose.....The nurses would not provide direct patient care or case management, but would train individuals and community organizations on the use of naloxone to reverse drug overdoses; hold educational events on topics like guidelines for prescribing opioids or treatment methods; and dispense “safety kits” and educational materials, including lists of treatment resources."
-Knoxville News Sentinel, March 31, 2017, Kristi L. Nelson
Sullivan: alice@scadcoalition.org
Anderson: sastrutner@gmail.com
Hamilton: cnbibbs@aol.com
Smith: smithcodrugprevention@yahoo.com
Davidson: dewayne@npponline.org
Franklin: tabatha.curtis@fcstn.net
Cheatham: cccecoalition@charter.net
Madison: hilda.little@wth.org
Weakley: weakleyprevention@gmail.com
Shelby: zferguson@memphisprevention.org