Moms Stable in Recovery Help Other Moms in Treatment with New Program
In an effort to help mothers struggling with addiction, the Metro Drug Coalition started a program called Hands of Hope. The program...
Moms Stable in Recovery Help Other Moms in Treatment with New Program
In an effort to help mothers struggling with addiction, the Metro Drug Coalition started a program called Hands of Hope. The program...
Campbell, Knox Among Counties Suing Big Pharma
JAMIE SATTERFIELD USA TODAY NETWORK - TENNESSEE Even as a fight that could lead to a quick end to a new push to sue pharmaceutical...
AC Churches Come Together to Fight Addiction
Tuesday night, members of the Anderson County faith community came together in Rocky Top to have a discussion on how to harness the power...
Knoxville Woman Charged in Pill Mill Operation Released
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (WATE) — A judge has granted bond for a Knoxville woman who is accused of being responsible for distributing enough...
A Smart Phone App is Newest Franklin County Drug Recovery Tool
Local officials hope that technology can lessen the human impact of the opioid epidemic. By mid-October, the Alcohol, Drug and Mental...