The former Anderson County Officer was granted Judicial Diversion today. I am ok with that. It was the right thing to do. At the end of...
Blount Woman Charged with Possessing Heroin, Intending to Sell, in Maryville Park
A Walland woman has been charged with possession of heroin, with intent to resell, in a drug-free zone. Blount County Sheriff James Lee...

Honoring Bessy’s Memory today. It was bittersweet!
What's in your medicine cabinet?
What's in your medicine cabinet? How secure are your medications? Do you still have prescription painkillers from a surgery years ago? If...
Shelby County Prescription Drug Take-Back Programs
Below is a link for prescription opioid return locations. http://www.shelbytnhealth.com/384/Prescription-Drug-Take-Back-Programs

In Loving Memory of Bethany “Bessy” Morse
Made it to Nashville last night! Judy and I are on our way to get lunch and then picking up T-Man from school. Dennis will be back in...
Manhattan to Stop Prosecuting Most Low-Level Marijuana Cases in August
Last year, cops in Manhattan arrested people for smoking or possessing small amounts of marijuana a little more than 5,500 times. A...
Growing Crops, Changing Lives
Progress at the Renovatus farm means more than crops of spring vegetables. On “Farm Day” last Saturday, founder Pete Higgs was showing...
Kroger Announces Several Steps to Combat Opioid Abuse
Information contained on this page is provided by an independent third-party content provider. Frankly and this Site make no warranties...

Contacts for Free Narcan and Training in Tennessee
Region 1: Brianne Dunning, brianne@scadcoalition.org, o: 423-742-5819 Region 2: Catherine Brunson, catherine@asapofanderson.org, o:...