MTSU Alumnus Shares Spotlight with President at Rx Summit
It’s rare when the president of the United States personally invites you to participate in a national symposium. But there stood Monty...

Tennessee Redline and Centerpoint Crisis Detox
This past week, East Tennessee Law Enforcement disrupted a large scale drug operation and arrested multiple individuals who were...
Opioid Epidemic Forcing Grandparents to Raise Children When Their Parents Turn to Drugs
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — According to AARP, over 70,000 grandparents in Tennessee are raising their grandchildren. Local leaders place most of...
Boundaries - Mark Beebe, by Cokesbury UMC
This week Mark begins our Boundaries series. “I don’t know if I’m coming or going.” “There just aren’t enough hours in the day.” “I just...

What Will YOUR Comments Say after Prom?
What will YOUR comments say after prom? Choose your Fate and Say #IAMONEwho will not use drugs or alcohol on prom night. #preventionworks...
Dr. Monty Burks Speaks at President Trump's Address
Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Trump speaks at Rx Summit 2019 with Dr. Monty Burks. What makes...
Feds Say They’ll Target More ‘Drug Dealers with Stethoscopes’
One day after sweeping indictments targeted doctors, nurses and pharmacists across Tennessee, Nashville’s top federal prosecutor said law...
Fighting the Opioid Epidemic on #TakeBackDay—Jacqueline’s Story
This is the story of Jacqueline. After losing her son, Adam, to a heroin overdose, Jacqueline dedicated herself to helping other families...
After Tragedy and Injury, Hall Continues NFL Draft Pursuit
Emanuel Hall‘s father was gone. He died, unexpectedly. Mental illness. An overdose. A heartache no son should ever experience. But there...
More Names Added to List of Health Professionals Charged in Opioid Prescription Investigation
The Appalachian Regional Prescription Opioid Strike Force announced that they have charged 60 individuals, including 53 medical...