The OD Epidemic: WBIR Highlights Drug Overdose Crisis
Knox County is on pace -- right now -- to record 300 suspected drug overdose deaths in 2017. Three hundred. Almost one a day. As...
Inside TN: Katie Allison, Tina King, Deborah Crouse, Part 1
Inside TN: Katie Allison, Tina King, Deborah Crouse, Part 2
Inside TN: Katie Allison, Tina King, Deborah Crouse, Part 3
Inside TN: Katie Allison, Tina King, Deborah Crouse, Part 4
Drug Take-Back Boxes Offer Safe Way to Dispose of Medication
KNOXVILLE - Drug take-back boxes all across East Tennessee offer a safe way for people to dispose of unwanted or unused medication. The...
Number of Babies Born Drug Dependent in East TN Down 18%
The fight against opioids is making an impact in East Tennessee as data shows the number of babies born with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome...
The OD Epidemic: WBIR Highlights Drug Overdose Crisis
Knox County is on pace -- right now -- to record 300 suspected drug overdose deaths in 2017. Three hundred. Almost one a day. As...
WBIR Overdose (OD) Epidemic Resources
Click Here to Find WBIR Overdose Resources
Steve Earle Talks Opiates, Autism and Stolen Street Signs
KNOXVILLE - Steve Earle's topped country album charts with his debut album "Guitar Town" in 1986. Two years later "Copperhead Road" sold...