Tennessee has passed legislation that will allow authorized pharmacists statewide to dispense naloxone, the opioid overdose antidote, without a prescription.
TN - SB2403, Pharmacist Dispensing law, which will allow pharmacies who follow the protocol created by the Chief Medical Officer with the Department of Health,was signed by Governor Haslam on March 27, 2016. TOP does not know when this protocol will be implemented.

In September 2015, CVS announced that Tennessee was one of the 12 states in which CVS would dispense Naloxone through a standing order. As of September 2015, you can walk into any CVS pharmacy in Tennessee and either purchase or order Naloxone. To ensure that your local CVS is aware of this policy, we recommend you to bring the article below by CVS describing this policy.
Walgreen's announced that their Tennessee locations would have Naloxone available to purchase without a prescription by the end of the year in 2016. Though they have not reported a specific date when Naloxone will be available, linked below is the Walgreen's press release announcement of this program.