The former Anderson County Officer was granted Judicial Diversion today. I am ok with that. It was the right thing to do. At the end of his probation period, he will have his record expunged. He is a young man, just turned 34, Chris’s age the day he died. He has a wife and 4 children, 3 little girls and a son the age of River. Upon completion of gaining diversion, he will be able to seek employment to improve support for his family. Denying this will not bring back my son. We must focus on the living and what will be in the best interest of his children and young family. After the hearing, in the hallway outside the court room, this officer and I were able to meet. There were hugs, remorse, sorrow, smiles as I showed him pictures of River and Rylan, and forgiveness. My first words to him, “you could be my son...” Good people sometimes make bad mistakes. I pray that he does not allow the mistakes he made that July 4th define him and he will be a joyful, strong father for his children. Maybe now we can all move on with our lives. Words cannot express my humbleness and gratitude for all of you who have patiently traveled this journey with me by attending hearings, praying, fundraising, and presence. And mostly saying his name. Thank you. We are going to be ok. #JusticeForChris #FinalChapter

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